How to create an opportunity in Jeli
Lesleanne Blakeley avatar
Written by Lesleanne Blakeley
Updated over a week ago

📣 In order to create an opportunity in Jeli, you must first have the Jeli slack app installed in your workspace. If you don’t yet have the Jeli slack app installed, check out our Slack Integration page here.

Importing Slack channel data into Jeli helps bring more context into your timelines and helps you prepare for your incident reviews.

  1. Type the command /jeli import in the desired Slack channel.

  2. Choose whether to create a new opportunity or import into an existing one.

  3. Import the entire Slack channel data, or select a period of time to import.

  4. Name the opportunity and provide a description of what you know about the incident so far (you will be able to edit this in Jeli later).

It may take a moment or two for Jeli to create the opportunity and import all the specified Slack messages. Once the opportunity is created the opportunity will be linked in an ephemeral message (a message that will disappear over time) that only you can see in the Slack channel you created the opportunity from.

📣 If you used the Jeli Incident Response Bot during your incident, when you used the command /jeli close to resolve the incident, it will have automatically created a new opportunity in Jeli for that incident and linked it in the Slack channel.

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