Incident types
Lesleanne Blakeley avatar
Written by Lesleanne Blakeley
Updated over a week ago

Incident Types

Incident types can be used to categorize your incidents. You might create types like “Staging” or “Production” to indicate the incident location, “Customer Facing” or “Internal Only” to indicate impact. Or maybe “API Team” or “Security” to help provide team specific automation and filtering. Incident Types that can be selected when opening a new Jeli Incident, and used in workflows as conditions that trigger an automated action to be performed.

Incident Types can be found under Settings, in the Incident Response section. Click over to the “Types” tab to add, edit, and archive incident types.

When a new Incident Type is added it will show up in Jeli when opening an incident from Slack, as well as in Workflows for you to use as a condition when creating a new automation.

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