Nobl9 Integration
Michael Donlin avatar
Written by Michael Donlin
Updated over a week ago

Nobl9 Integration

Automatically declare an incident in Jeli when a Nobl9 SLO alerts to more quickly respond and resolve the issue.

  1. In Nobl9, navigate to Integrations -> Alert Methods and select the button to Add Alert Method

  2. Select the Webhook alert method

  3. Configure the webhook

    Project: Select or create a new project
    Name: open-jeli-incident

    Custom Headers: Add a new custom header where
    - Key: Authorization
    - Value: Bearer <insert your Jeli API key here>

    Jeli API keys can be generated in the Jeli web app and you may see our docs for more information.

    Notification Details: Select Custom and use the below payload an example to configure your Jeli API call

    "incident_name": "Your SLO needs attention!",
    "incident_stage": "Investigating",
    "start_zoom": true,
    "start_google_meet": false,
    "email_of_incident_opener": "",
    "slack_team_id": "T01NUHLDWC9",
    "broadcast_channels": [
    "severity_slack_command": "0",
    "summary": "TBD"

  4. You can now use open-jeli-incident as an alert method to automatically create a new Jeli incident when an SLO alerts.

    Please see the Nobl9 documentation on Alerting for more information on how to use this alert method.

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