Closing a Jeli mitigated incident
Michael Donlin avatar
Written by Michael Donlin
Updated over a week ago

Close out an incident in a mitigated stage: /jeli close

Moving an incident to closed ends Jeli’s IR bot’s involvement in the incident channel. Since you have already mitigated the incident, closing it will look a little different than if you are closing it from an investigating or identified stage.

You will be prompted to fill out the close modal and any follow-ups you created during the incident will appear after you close the incident with options to:

  • "Schedule a reminder"

  • "Edit" the follow-up

  • "Mark Done" if you've completed the follow-up

We will update the Jeli opportunity with any messages sent in the incident channel since mitigation, and notify you when that is complete. We will also set the final status update with a link to the Jeli opportunity.

The broadcast channels will be updated as well, moving the incident stage to closed, setting an incident closed time, and linking to the Jeli opportunity.

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