Import HR Data
Drew Stokes avatar
Written by Drew Stokes
Updated over a week ago

Importing HR Data into Jeli

Using data from your HR system, Jeli can display the team, role, and home timezone of each person involved in an incident’s response. Understanding who participated in incidents is crucial to investigating the full social, as well as technical, context of an event.

Today, Jeli Admins can import your HR data easily to Jeli from a .csv file.

📣 At this time uploading HR data is a manual process which is completed by uploading a CSV file. We are working on solutions to automate this process soon!

There is an upload limit of 10MB file at a time. If your .csv is larger than 10MB, we recommend splitting it into smaller files and uploading one at a time. Additional HR files can be uploaded at any time.

When uploading HR data, new users will be added and existing user data will be updated with any newly included information. If an existing user is not included in a new upload, their data will remain. This is to prevent the loss of any prior information about employees who have left but participated in previous events.

How to upload HR data

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > HR Data > Connect HR Data. You can also access this page through think link here.

  2. Prepare a CSV file for import. Please include the following column headers in your .csv upload, the headers are case sensitive:

    1. name

    2. email

    3. location

    4. title

    5. team

    6. manager

    7. startDate

  3. Click or drag your CSV file into the upload box in Jeli.

  4. Tada! You should now have updated HR data in Jeli to help with post-incident analysis.

📣 Here is an example of the columns and format we recommend to have in your spreadsheet for your CSV file:

Understanding User data in Jeli

Using Jeli you can learn a lot about the people in your organization and how that information relates to your organizations incident experiences. To give a more holistic view, Jeli imports user level data a few ways in Jeli:

  • When users log in to Jeli

  • When organizations upload HR Workday data (Role, Tenure, Location)

  • When Jeli imports Slack users

  • When Jeli imports PagerDuty users (On-call information)

For people that are no longer active at your organization, Jeli gives you the option to hide or not display deactivated users.

Frequently Asked Questions

Having a lot of users in your Jeli instance reflects that you have a lot of people who could potentially be involved in your incidents. Here are some commonly asked questions regarding people data in Jeli.

  1. How does Jeli handle people leaving my company?

    1. Users data remains so that accurate data from past incidents is captured

  2. How does Jeli handle name changes for users already in Jeli?

    1. If your name changes but your email is unchanged, we will update the name of your user. If your email changes, the new email will show as a second user.

  3. Why are there so many people in my Jeli account under the "People" tab, how can I remove them?

    1. Here are some of the reasons people are included within the People tab that you may have not expected:

      1. Recent HR data uploaded into Jeli

      2. All users in your slack workspace (including Guest accounts)

      3. Shared slack workspace users

      4. Users in your pagerduty instance

📣 If you run into any issues during setup, reach out to or live chat from any screen in Jeli, we're here to help!

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