Creating an Incident
Drew Stokes avatar
Written by Drew Stokes
Updated over a week ago

Creating an Incident

Open a new incident: /jeli open

Initiate incident response with a single click. Include the available information about the incident in the Add More Details section, and utilize any configured integrations in the Use Integrations section.

No field is required, if you do not add a name we will generate one for you from a randomized list of adjectives and nouns.

We’ll send you an ephemeral message confirming the incident has been created with a link to the generated Slack channel. We’ll also notify your selected broadcast channels that an incident has been created.

Add More Details

Every field in this section is optional, just add what you know now such as the:

  • Summary

  • Severity

  • Add or remove relevant Broadcast Channels

  • Assign yourself to a role within response

All of these fields are editable during response as well through various slash commands.

Use Integrations

Currently your Incident Settings will determine the default selections on this page and can be changed on a per-incident basis here, including:

Please note that using the Primary Jira ticket integration does change the naming scheme of the incident channels.

Incident Channel Naming

  • When an incident is created the generated Slack channel name will follow this format: #jeli-[incident number]-[incident name] such as #jeli-29-docs-pages-are-down

  • If you elect to have a primary Jira ticket automatically created, it will add the Jira ticket number as a prefix on the channel name as opposed to the #jeli- prefix: #[jira ticket project and ticket id]-[incident name] such as #inc-133-payroll-is-down

  • If you do not add a name we will generate one for you from a randomized list of adjectives and nouns and the channel name will get the #jeli- prefix or the Jira ticket prefix based on your configurations, such as #eng-34-full-lemon

  • To distinguish demo incidents from actual events, the naming differs: #jeli-demo-[incident name]-[YYYY-MM-DD] such as #jeli-demo-just-testing-2023-06-20

  • if Jeli is currently undergoing an incident of our own impacting incident creation, we have fallbacks in place which will change the name format to: #jeli-[incident name]-[YYYY-MM-DD] such as #jeli-emails-are-delayed-2023-06-21

Open an incident using an existing Slack Channel

Use an existing channel to open and run an incident, this makes it fast and easy to run an incident no matter where you are in Slack. Just check the box "Use current channel for Incident", then you can begin to use Jeli's IR Bot in the channel.

Make an incident private

When opening an incident, you have the option to make this incident private. Jeli will create the incident in a private channel. Private incidents will not broadcast updates to broadcast channels, and will not be displayed on the Jeli Incident View.

When closing an incident, Jeli will restrict access to the opportunity to only those users which were members of the private channel.

If you would like additional people to have access to your new opportunity, you may configure access to the opportunity within the Jeli web app.

Aliases: /jeli incident, /jeli open-incident, /jeli start, /jeli start-incident

Add a summary to an incident: /jeli summary

Type what you know about the issue so far and update it when anything significant changes.

The summary is the main description of the incident. It is displayed in the overview responders can use to get up to speed in the incident channel. As well as in the incident notification sent to the broadcast channels, where those not involved in active response can stay up to date on the status of response.

To quickly update the status without opening a dialog box use /jeli summary [type out summary before hitting enter]

Aliases: /jeli update-summary

Add a severity level to an incident: /jeli sev

Select from the severity options of 0, 1, and 2, provide some in the moment context behind your decision and customize the broadcast based on the severity. Severity is not required and can be disabled by request.

To quickly set the severity without opening a dialog box use /jeli severity [severity level number]

Aliases: /jeli severity, /jeli set-severity

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